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Balance sheet

A financial statement produced by a company, usually showing assets, income, liabilities and expenses

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When the cash or spot price of a metal stands at a premium over the delivery price at a future date

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Back sample

Samples collected from the top of an adit, opening or roof to determine grade

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A gas powered earth moving machine capable of extending forward a bucket clad with teeth, and pulling the bucket back towards it, mechanically moving material where, and as, desired

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Ambient, overall residual radioactivity inherent to an area and usually natural, but also manmade

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A large plutonic mass having more than 402 mi (1042 km) exposed at surface of the earth

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Where folds are overturned back toward the interior of an orogenic belt

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A greasy, waxy, yellow to brown radioactive mineral, (Ce,La)(CO3)F

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Waste or gangue material used to fill pits, openings and trenches created by mining an orebody