Material usually above bedrock and under soil
Material usually above bedrock and under soil
A volcanic, extrusive rock comprised of plagioclase, pyroxene with some olivine
A silvery-white, alkaline earth group element. Symbol, Ba
A banded formation of minerals containing a high percentage of iron
A cylinder filled with steel balls where ore is fed for crushing. The friction of rotating steel balls, combined with the usually higher degree of hardness of the steel creates the desired effect which is pulverization, or milling of the ore
A financial statement produced by a company, usually showing assets, income, liabilities and expenses
When the cash or spot price of a metal stands at a premium over the delivery price at a future date
Samples collected from the top of an adit, opening or roof to determine grade
A gas powered earth moving machine capable of extending forward a bucket clad with teeth, and pulling the bucket back towards it, mechanically moving material where, and as, desired
Ambient, overall residual radioactivity inherent to an area and usually natural, but also manmade