A corrosive, noxious, yellow liquid made with nitric and hydrochloric acids, usually one part nitric acid and three parts hydrochloric acid. Used in efficiently dissolving and processing gold and platinum
A corrosive, noxious, yellow liquid made with nitric and hydrochloric acids, usually one part nitric acid and three parts hydrochloric acid. Used in efficiently dissolving and processing gold and platinum
A type of grey to black volcanic rock composed mostly of silica, plus iron and magnesium
Late Paleozoic Era diastrophism with possible origin in Late Devonian Period, continuing until the end of the Permian Period. A mountain forming period for deposits in the Appalachian and Cordilleran geosynclines
Light-colored igneous rock characterized by fine-grained saccharoidal texture, ranging in composition from gabbro to granite, consisting of quartz, potassium feldspar, and high acid plagioclase
The texture of igneous rock in which crystalline components are too small to be detected visually by the unaided eye. Syn. Cryptocrystalline
The top or terminal edge of 2 or more points of a geological structure
A hexagonal or monoclinic pseudohexagonal mineral with the general formula A5(XO4)3(F,Cl,OH) , where A = (Ba,Ca,Ce,K,Na,Pb,Sr,Y) and X = (As,C,P,Si,V). Calcium Phosphate
A fixed iron block used as a base for hammer forging steel
A stage in coal formation when biochemical action is exhausted
A primitive milling process whereby ore is placed in a round, rock lined pit and milled by a series of blocks or crushers, suspended by beams radiating from the centre of the pit