An orthorhombic mineral, Al2SiO5; its transparent green variety is used as a gem
An orthorhombic mineral, Al2SiO5; its transparent green variety is used as a gem
Instrumentation used in measuring positively charged particles (Alpha rays) from radioactive sources
An instrument used to determine properties of a mineral or substance, to achieve distinguishable, measurable and recordable attributes
A low, fan shaped sloping mass of outspreading loose rock
An isometric mineral of the zeolite group, 16[Na(H2O)(AlSi2O6)]
Deposits of sedimentary material transported from their source, most notably influenced by erosional forces and gravity
A cavity or vesicle formed by the presence of trapped gas, in igneous rock, that is filled with such secondary minerals as calcite, quartz, chalcedony, or zeolites
Two or more metals together in a compound
A hexagonal or monoclinic pseudohexagonal mineral with the general formula A5(XO4)3(F,Cl,OH) , where A = (Ba,Ca,Ce,K,Na,Pb,Sr,Y) and X = (As,C,P,Si,V). Calcium Phosphate
A fixed iron block used as a base for hammer forging steel