A group of dark intrusive igneous rocks composed of plagioclase and clinopyroxene
A group of dark intrusive igneous rocks composed of plagioclase and clinopyroxene
The history of the earth as classified by eon, era, period and epoch
The systematic mapping of an area to record the characteristics of its underlying geology
A computerized framework of multiple calibrated map layers, containing specific data in each layer pertinent to the exploration and development of a mineral resource, as utilized within a geological context
The measurement of the chemical constituents of rock and their properties
The determination of a particular mineral occurrence as influenced by the unique characteristics of certain plant species native to that deposit, by factors including colour, abundance, root depth and overall growth and density, and elevated levels of a target mineral or accessory mineral in the plant itself
The classification of origin applied to a rock, mineral or fossil
The conditions under which mineral deposits are initially formed or concentrated
The science and study of gemstones
An analog instrument used to measure levels of radioactivity utilizing a Geiger-Muller tube