Wire mesh of various size, used for classifying gravel by size
Wire mesh of various size, used for classifying gravel by size
A shear zone is a defined type of fault structure subject to secondary metamorphic stresses at its fault edges inward, known as shears, through various zones which exhibit any of foliation, deformation, and folding
An instrument used to detect radioactive emissions with gamma ray measurement
The portion of a diamond drill bit to which the abrasive crown is attached
Sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation of mud or silt
A flat, vibrating table used for the separation of minerals
A vertical excavation in rock used for the transport of workers and/or material
A vertical excavation in rock used for the transport of workers and/or material
A mineral comprised of ultramafic magnesium silicate rock having undergone hydration and metamorphosis
A geophysical prospecting technique, measuring electric current conducted by sulphide bodies