The replacement of minerals in organic matter by calcareous, carbonaceous or siliceous minerals, which serve to solidify and preserve the form of the matter beyond its organic state
The replacement of minerals in organic matter by calcareous, carbonaceous or siliceous minerals, which serve to solidify and preserve the form of the matter beyond its organic state
A depth of the earths surface or subsurface which is permanently frozen.
Intrusive igneous rock formed within olivine, the source of Peridot
A solid block of rock used to support a mine shaft
The arrangement of all know elements, natural or manmade, based on density and further grouped by prevalent characteristics where correlations are known to exist
A roughly egg shaped orebody
A plutonic formations, including laccoliths , are created when volcanic fluids are trapped beneath another rock body, causing the overlying rock to form a dome shaped upheaval
Refers to rocks from plutons transported from great depth
An intrusive igneous body, usually measured in kilometers
A small offshoot of solid lava from a larger flow